Friday 5 April 2013


Here in East Devon we're still in the throws of wintry weather, with a bitter easterly wind and freezing temperatures at night. So its perhaps just as well that my time, for the past 3 months, has been occupied by building a timber framed "summerhouse". Having secured funding, after a tortuous bureaucratic process, at Christmas, I had 3 months to complete the project which will provide a warm and dry shelter for members of the horticulture project.
This project is well known to our regular WWOOFers who have, over the years contributed in no small part to the project's on-going success. With last "summer's" appaling weather and now this unseasonal spring cold, the provision of a cosy place to shelter from inclement conditions is well overdue. And now the excitement is mounting as we are about to have a small woodburner installed to provide heating and a means of boiling a kettle- or soup for that matter.
After much discussion we settled on purchasing a
Yotul F500 from a local supplier. Now we just need to save up for the flue and getting it fitted!!  Roll on winter!!